3 Greenway Plaza
Houston, Texas, USA

12,000 ceramic spheres, 17 miles of stainless steel cable (2000 cables), custom hardware

Art Consultant: Anne Tracht, ConsultArt
Client Project Manager: Katherine Molyson
Architects: Stephanie Lively, Ziegler Cooper
Structural Engineers: Walter P Moore

Construction: Chuck Micus, Trademark
Plate Fabrication: Phil Proctor, Nexus Studio
Property Management: Aaron Winger
Photographer: Logan Beck

The human condition is in a constant state of temporality. Our perception of time and space reflects an infinitely responsive state of being on macro and micro scales.

AEON – referring to a timeless or eternal duration – captures one moment within personal and universal interactions as spatial experience.

The project engages our constant state of flux, capturing the fluid state of virtual and physical migrations in a state of suspended animation. Through the vacuum of instability, past, present and future movements are simultaneously frozen in a state of graceful uncertainty.

The two-story, permanent sculpture connects ground and subterranean level lobbies, utilizing 12,000 solid, 1.5 in. diameter, ceramic spheres suspended from 2000 – 1/16” stainless steel cables equaling 17 miles within a 6’w x 36’h x 11’d footprint.

The complexities of virtual and physical migrations unfold in a rhythm of fluid movements, not unlike swarming or flocking patterns in nature. These migrations are reflected upon through a celestial embodiment of order and chaos.